July 2024 Features Poll

Hello! To better understand what features are most wanted, we decided to create this poll. It contains 12 potential features that were requested by users. Please vote for the features you most want to use :pray:. Whichever one is voted highest is the major feature I will work on next.

Difficulty ranking for videos

Each video will get a number, ranging from 1 to 100, based on how difficult it is.

When the user finishes watching each video, they will be asked if the video they just watched is easier or more difficult than the last video they watched.

The main idea for this is that users could then sorting videos by difficulty, and be able to smoothly watch videos from lowest difficulty to highest difficulty without any shock from jumping to the next level.

Interactive transcript reader

While watching a video, you can have the transcript appear to the right of the video.

The current line in the video will be highlighted in the transcript.

Clicking on a line in the transcript will jump to that part of the video.

Also, the Read page will have something similar, but with just audio.

Dashboard overhaul

The Dashboard will be redone, including:

  • Ability to edit/delete study activity entries (both custom and generated)
  • Ability to update the charts so they distinguish between different types of inputs
  • More options for charts
  • Ability to add modules with custom HTML
  • Ability to resize modules and move them around the page

Offline mode and/or MP4 video downloads

I’m not sure how well offline mode will work, or how feasible it is. If I can’t get an offline mode working, then I’ll just do MP4 video downloads (720p, watermarked).

Comment notifications

Users can get email notifications if they want whenever someone replies to their comment. There would also be a page in the user menu for people to see all of their email notifications, in case they don’t want to get emails.

Edit and delete comments

Users can edit and delete their comments.

Discord integration

Users can connect the site to their Discord account to do the following:

  • Give them a special role if they’re a subscriber
  • Automatically update their username with their total study time (e.g. “Bennycopter [40 hrs]”)

“Most recently watched” sorting option

This would add a “Most recently watched” option to the Sort dropdown, and also “Least recently watched”.

Search for word usages

This would add a search page, where you can search for a specific word. The search results would include every paragraph on the site that includes that word, as well as the video snippet where it comes from. The idea is that you can use this to learn words using CI context, as an alternative to looking it up in a dictionary.

Save and load watch page search filters

This feature would let you save your current watch page sort-and-filter settings to a preset, which you could then load any time you want to go back to those same sorts-and-filter settings.

Social features: User profiles, friends, and achievements

You would be able to do things like have group study goals, share study activity with friends, and earn achievements based on study time and streaks. The achievements will be able to link with Discord (pending Discord integration).

Auto-add videos to playlist

If you have this feature enabled, whenever you finish watching all the videos in your playlist, it will automatically queue another video based on your sort-and-filter settings from the home page.

The poll

So, which features do you most want to have? You can vote for up to 3 below.

  • Difficulty ranking for videos
  • Interactive transcript reader
  • Dashboard overhaul
  • Offline mode and/or MP4 video downloads
  • Comment notifications
  • Edit and delete comments
  • Discord integration
  • “Most recently watched” sorting option
  • Search for word usages
  • Save and load watch page search filters
  • Social features: User profiles, friends, and achievements
  • Auto-add videos to playlist
0 voters