Let's Play of Let's Go Eevee Video!

Would love to see CIJ do a Let’s Play of Let’s Go Eevee for Complete Beginners or Beginners!


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Thank you for the suggestion! But we can’t do Nintendo games unfortunately :sob:. They only allow monetization of Let’s Play videos on specific sites, so we wouldn’t be able to have videos of it on our site :smiling_face_with_tear:

What about Untitled Goose Game?

This game is on multiple platforms.

That’s on Yuki’s list to check out :saluting_face:. We still have to contact the developer and ask for permission, though. It looks fun! I haven’t played it, but I want to :grin:

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Is Yuki-Sensei going to make the video for complete beginners or beginners?

We don’t know yet if she’ll make videos for that game, since she still has to check it out and contact the developer. I’ll make sure to recommend this game to her, though. It looks like it would be good for describing the environment, like how the Shashingo Let’s Play videos are, so I imagine it would be a Beginner level video series (but idk; she would be the one to decide that).

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I hope the developer says yes as I would love to see her play it! It’s such a fun and silly game.

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I definitely agree!!

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Thank you for your suggestion. This game looks fun and good for CI videos. I contacted the developer and got a permission, so I’ll do this game next😊


Oh that’s very exciting!!!