Cooking recipe websites and YouTube channels

I’ve really enjoyed all the food and cooking related videos on this site. It is the first topic I’ve decided to actively immerse into with Japanese, and now I realized that I want to try out some recipes by myself :slight_smile:
So far I’ve only tried the Japanese version of Cookpad, so I am looking for more suggestions!

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Hi sviatoslav_saviak👋

I’m glad to hear you enjoyed our cooking videos!
I’ll share Japanese cooking YouTube channels I watch😊

:cook:Koh Kentetsu Kitchen【料理研究家コウケンテツ公式チャンネル】
This is my favorite❤️
His speaking pace is not too fast, so it should be not too difficult to follow.
(Note: He speaks Kansai dialect)

I sometimes watch this one, too. I think he’s one of the most famous cooking YouTubers in Japan.

I hope you enjoy them😊

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