What's your study routine?

What do you use to study/immerse?

I’d love to ask what types of things you do and your beliefs in CI.

1. What is your routine?

2. What content do you enjoy?

3. What’s your ratio of listening to reading?

4. What’s your goal comprehensiblity? (% or vibes)

  1. I take transcript and audio of CIJ video → I add them to Lute → I read along with listening to audio and marking up all words I don’t know at all or don’t know how to read → immediately after I watch related CIJ video with 1.5x speed (sometimes with subs) → I take transcript and audio of next video and repeat all above steps…And this my only activity for Japanese for now.
  2. Raw vlogs of everyday life, without too much editing, cooking videos.
  3. I want to have it 50/50 tho for now it’s more like listening 70, reading 30
  4. No goal comprehensibility. Intensive reading with listening then extensive watching for each CIJ video.
    Well, my approach (quite new) uses CI but doesn’t rely 100% on CI. More like repetitive content.
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  1. What is your routine?
    I learn 15x new words per day from the Kaishi 1.5k Anki deck, but have it setup so that I only hear the Japanese word without any form of reading involved. I want to learn the language 100% through listening before starting reading at a later stage. Other than that I aim for 30-60 mins of CIJ videos every day, and watch anime. Right now I am watching Shirokuma Café. I first watch each episode with English subtitles, then again immediately afterwards without subtitles. This may seem like a time waste, but it makes the Japanese playthrough so much more comprehensible. I know that soon I won’t need to do this anymore, once my comprehension increases, so I am happy doing this for now.

  2. What content do you enjoy?
    Outside of CIJ I enjoy anime. This was the reason why I started learning Japanese (like most weebs).

  3. What’s your ratio of listening to reading?
    100% listening right now. This will change when I am fluent in the spoken language. Japanese is not the first language that I have learned in this way (also Dutch and French), so I know it’ll work.

  4. What’s your goal comprehensiblity? (% or vibes)
    My goal is as close to 100% comprehensibility as possible. My goal was to learn 3x languages in addition to English, and then spend the rest of my life perfecting all three. Japanese is the final piece of that puzzle.

Have you been enjoying Lute?

Great detailed responses.

  1. I meant what’s the goal when you watch content, not your end goal for the language. I mean when you choose learning materials what is the ideal level of comprehension for you. Obviously too hard and you won’t learn, too easy and there won’t be anything to learn.

Lute is a cool tool and I was testing it when I wrote above post. Anyway it seems I’m too lazy to use any tools consistently so I returned to just watching, listening and reading i.e. zero effort approach.

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1: I usually do short-ish sessions of watching/listening throughout the day. A bulk of what I use for input is Let’s Plays of games in Japanese, usually games I myself have played and know very well in English. I feel like it helps that the person playing is usually talking about or reacting to what’s happening on the screen though I can’t speak to how useful it is as far as vocab variety goes. It’s also veeery informal speech content so I also try to get at least 45-60 minutes of input from CIJ videos or vlogs from this channel (Akane’s Japanese Class) or another channel like Speak Japanese Naturally. My goal at first was 90 minutes a day but I upped that to 180 and then more recently to 240. 240 is a real stretch but it gets easier to hit those higher goals the more you understand I have noticed. I do about 20-30 minutes of rewatching CIJ videos I have already watched too.

2: I enjoy mostly Let’s Play’s (at 90-95% speed) and the aforementioned vloggers. A few of the channels I was already watching are in CIJ’s Resources tab actually.

3: If you don’t count scrolling through Bluesky then I get about 20 minutes reading in Japanese at least lol. Usually through graded readers but I’ve recently dipped my toes into trying a game, which is very very intensive and difficult reading but I can keep that going for an hour sometimes. So a lot more watching and listening than reading generally.

4: With Let’s Plays I pretty much expect that I won’t be able to understand about 70% of what I’m hearing, but I am sometimes surprised to understand more. Sometimes depends on if I’m having a day where I generally understand more than usual. I expect that level of comprehension for Akane’s vlogs and Speak Japanese Naturally’s videos as well. With CIJ I can generally understand ~60% of stuff in the Intermediate category and upwards 90% of stuff in Beginner/Complete Beginner.

  1. Around 1 hour for anki a day. After anki it’s just consuming japanese content (2-3 hours).
  2. 80% youtube, 10% podcasts, 5% games, 5% blogs/news
  3. 90% listening/10% reading maybe? Do japanese subtitles count also as reading practise? :sweat_smile:
  4. I want to get my comprehension around the same level as my english (my second language). I want to watch youtube videos without look ups and understand 99%.