2024 and 2025 Goals

あけましておめでとうございます! 素敵な一年でありますように~

How was 2024 in regards to learning Japanese? :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you have any new goals for 2025? If so, how do you plan to accomplish them?



2024 was very interesting for me! I did end up taking a long break from learning in the middle of it due to burn out, but when I came back to it (and found CIJ) I made a lot of progress pretty quick. The end of the year is quite exhausting for me so I’ve found myself having trouble keeping up with it for the past few weeks, but I feel good about this new year going into it. I didn’t have any goals going into 2024 but when I took my break I did set a goal to get back to it before the new year so I ended up meeting that goal thankfully.

My goal for 2025 is to not take another really long break in the middle of the year again haha! One of my main goals with learning in general was to be able to watch media and play games in the native Japanese without subtitles, and I’m hoping to do that by the end of this year. Also at or by the end of this year I would hope to start trying to speak but I’m also tempering my expectations there. I think I’m mostly concerned with having something a little more tangible to show for all the work I’m putting in but I’m still feeling good about my progress overall.

I hope you and everyone else meets their goals! If not it takes a lot of courage to set out to do something as difficult as language learning so even if you don’t get where you want to, when you want to, I think it’s worth the time you put into it regardless :blush: This process of language learning has proven to be really fulfilling for me and I’m happy I finally started this journey.


あけましておめでとう :slight_smile:

2024 went well thank you! I started studying Japanese in late August, and have so far done around 300 hours of work across CIJ and some other places. I’ve been really enjoying it, its such a fun challenge and I am learning a lot. I didn’t have any particular goals last year, but I think this year I would like to do a few things:

  • Stay consistent with my routine and get to 1,000 hours of total study
  • Do the JLPT N5 exam in Summer
  • Read よつばと!
  • Play the recent Dragon Quest 3 remaster in Japanese

How about you @aki , what are your goals?

Good luck with your goal of consistentcy @couchlazy , and good luck with speaking, that’d be a really exciting thing to start working on!!