I think that it would be useful to have Complete Beginner versions of other videos in other difficulties, particularly the Beginner ones. I’ve watched most of the Complete Beginner videos and feel like I understand most of them so they aren’t even N+1 anymore. When I try many of the Beginner ones however I am completely lost. I think it’s mostly down to the vocabulary that many of the Beginner videos expect making then harder than N+1 for me. By Complete Beginner I mean slower speech and more comprehension help like drawing or pantomiming so that I can start integrating the important words for the topic.
I really love Comprehensible Japanese and I’ve already learned so much. I just feel like this is an opportunity to close a gap in difficulty.
I think this is a good idea, but I would also encourage you to push through the beginner videos even though they are difficult. I am at about 130 hours and did all Complete Beginner videos twice before starting Beginner videos and still had a gap. I am now reaching the end of the Beginner videos and I understand them much much better now. This is just my theory, but I think when starting the next level you almost go back to that feeling of when you just started, that feeling of not understanding much. I have watched a handful of intermediate videos and am starting to feel like I could make the jump there.
Anyway, sorry for my long reply, I’m not sure if any of this is helpful to you. Good luck in your studies!
I’m by no means an expert but if it’s the slower speech that you are wanting, I have found slowing the videos down to x0.75 works well. It slows it down enough to be more comprehensible yet rarely distorts the sound to an noticeable level.
I think I am in a similar position to you. Superbeginner is comprehensible now, but beginner is often above me. I also doubt I cold understand the sperbegnner videos without the visual cues and context.
Hi Steveさん👋
Thank you for your suggestion!
Our developer, Ben, is currently working on a feature to sort videos by difficulty within each level. We’re hoping this will make it easier for users to transition to the next level😊
I came to the forums hoping I’d find that you are working on that feature. Sorting by ease would be an amazing feature that would really help us find videos we are ready for. Do you have an idea of when it will be ready?
P.S. This website is awesome. Thank you for your hard work!
Some time in March, probably. It’s a feature that I’ve wanted for a long time, so I’m excited to finally be making it soon, as long as no new priorities come up.