I think non-members should be able to comment on videos

I just became a member because I honestly watched basically all the beginner and complete beginner videos and thats my level. The whole time I loved every video but I just wished I comment on the video saying something about it. Anyway gotta go study japanese! (also Id put this in here instead of making another post but Id love a IOS app for cijapnese!! so many times I’m out and just want to watch some japanese but don’t want to use the website on my tiny iphone 8)

Hi @theojapanese1, thank you for becoming a member! :grin: I hope you enjoy your time here :slightly_smiling_face:

It would be cool to allow more people to leave comments, even before they subscribe, but we have comments as a members-only feature on purpose to reduce spam. We feel like this is the safer thing to do which is better in the long-run.

I have an iPhone 8, too :sweat_smile:. I would love an iOS app, too, and it’s on the radar for some future time. In the meantime, you can install the site as a PWA (it’s like an app, but it’s technically just the website in an app form). Instructions for that can be found here: Guide - Do you have a mobile app?. Also, I recommend having your watch status filter set to “Unwatched Only” and using the “Auto-fill Playlist” feature to make it easier to start watching videos.

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Just got the PWA app and its pretty much exactly what i was looking for, Thank you for the advice!!

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That’s great! I’m glad it helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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