Many topic ideas related to 書道と漢字


Please consider making more videos on:
• the art of Calligraphy
• Calligraphy stores, stationery stores
• Calligraphy techniques/styles (篆書、隸書、行書、楷書)

• Kanji fun facts
• Kanji history (from China to Japan)
• Kanji structure ⿰⿱⿲⿳⿴⿵⿶⿷⿸⿹⿺⿻ (the most common structure type is ⿰ and then ⿱)
• Interesting, fun Kanji
• Pictographic Kanji (例えば:馬、魚、鳥、山、雨、火、水、and more)
• Kanji strokes and stroke order, and how people do it their own way
• Good strategies for learning Kanji

• Fonts, font types, readability, artistry
• The history of making fonts and Unicode encodings for Japanese (CJK characters)
• Typing Japanese (in more depth than the パソコンで日本語を入力する方法 video)

• ひらがな history and origins, who used it historically,
• 変体仮名 old Hiraganas
• カタカナ history and origins, who used it historically, what types of sound effects or characters in Manga speak with カタカナ and what types of languages/dialects use カタカナ?


I like these ideas as well!

I would like to add this idea in, which fits in with your “Kanji fun facts” suggestion.
I saw this video the other day, and it could make a good video topic:
Japanese etymology: Why we count animals the way we do - YouTube


Thank you for all the ideas! We’ll consider them for our future video topics.

I’ll put links to some existing videos related to 漢字 and 書道, in case you haven’t watched them yet😊