Please consider making more videos on:
• the art of Calligraphy
• Calligraphy stores, stationery stores
• Calligraphy techniques/styles (篆書、隸書、行書、楷書)
• Kanji fun facts
• Kanji history (from China to Japan)
• Kanji structure ⿰⿱⿲⿳⿴⿵⿶⿷⿸⿹⿺⿻ (the most common structure type is ⿰ and then ⿱)
• Interesting, fun Kanji
• Pictographic Kanji (例えば:馬、魚、鳥、山、雨、火、水、and more)
• Kanji strokes and stroke order, and how people do it their own way
• Good strategies for learning Kanji
• Fonts, font types, readability, artistry
• The history of making fonts and Unicode encodings for Japanese (CJK characters)
• Typing Japanese (in more depth than the パソコンで日本語を入力する方法 video)
• ひらがな history and origins, who used it historically,
• 変体仮名 old Hiraganas
• カタカナ history and origins, who used it historically, what types of sound effects or characters in Manga speak with カタカナ and what types of languages/dialects use カタカナ?