Videos don't have "full-screen" button on iPhone

Hi All,
I love & adore the new website! Love the new sorting possibilities, just to mention one new fabulous thing! Thanks for all the long hours of hard work!

When I try to watch videos on my iPhone, there is no button to make the videos full-screen. It’s an old iPhone7, with quite a small screen. It’s very awkward to not have this function!

Does anyone else have this issue?

Hi @michelle! Thank you for the kind words! :blush:

Thank you for letting me know about your device. I only have an iPhone 8, so it’s a bit hard for me to test for this issue.

The button for fullscreen should appear in the lower-right while the player UI is showing. Do you not see it there?

If you still don’t see it, can you run a couple of tests for me please?

  • If you go on the old site, do you see a fullscreen button for videos there?
  • If yes, does it work when you tap it?
  • If you go on this page here, do you see a fullscreen button there?
  • If yes, does it work when you tap it?

Thanks again for using the new site!

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Hi @ben,

I did a little website design at uni (just HTML/CSS+Javascript), so I get the issue of coding for a million&one different devices!

On the old website, all the buttons appeared to be normal, & the fullscreen button worked perfectly. Here’s a screenshot:

On the new website, there is a (slightly weird) play button, & the video can be played, however many other buttons are missing, including the fullscreen one! Here’s a screenshot:

The problem with the missing buttons persists even after the video is played, & then paused.

Hope this helps. I’ll do a separate post re my experience with the test page you gave me a link to (just want to see how this post turns out first!).

Hope you’re managing to get plenty of sleep, what with the website launch! :slight_smile:


I tried the test-page via the link you gave me. The fullscreen button did appear at one point - but not immediately. However, this may simply be cos it was a test page, without all the full coding?

I took 3 screenshots in case that helps. I hope I’m not overdoing it with all these screenshots?! If there are too many, please feel free to delete my posts! :slight_smile:

I’ll post the screenshots in the order of taking them:




Phew! Thankfully I’ve run out of screenshots!

Hi @michelle,

Thank you for the helpful screenshots!

I hope I’m not overdoing it with all these screenshots?!

No no, not at all. I appreciate the details. Explaining the issue in full always helps :slight_smile:

Hope you’re managing to get plenty of sleep, what with the website launch! :slight_smile:

I’m trying :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_tear:

I have a few things I’d like for you to test if you don’t mind…

First, above the video, you should see “Inline-play enabled” with a “Disable” button. (This only appears for you while you’re logged in). Can you please click that “Disable” button and let me know how the player works for you? It should automatically go into fullscreen when the video plays.

Apple recently did some new updates with their fullscreen API in iOS 16, and so it’s possible that the new fullscreen functionality doesn’t exist on your phone (iPhone 7, which can only go up to iOS 15). My iPhone is at iOS 16, so I’m not able to test this issue myself.

There are a couple more things I’d like for you to test, but I’m short on time today. I’ll reply back again tomorrow or the day after.

Thanks again,

Hi again @michelle, I have another test for you if you don’t mind.

Can you please go to (notice it’s “dev” not “new”) on your iPhone and see how the videos work there? (You don’t have to sign up; you can just watch one of the free videos). The video should just open in fullscreen as soon as it plays. Please let me know if it does.
