When I click the full screen button on my iPhone using the Brave Browser, I can’t see any subtitles, even when I enable subtitles. But when I’m not using full-screen, I see the subtitles. I wonder why this happens?
Does the site support a native iPhone video player to enable subtitles to properly display in full screen mode?
Firstly, I want to say thank you for your name and profile picture. I’m also a fan of raccoons; they’re so cool and cute . I happen to be wearing one of my raccoon T-shirts right now.
Subtitles should work on the native iPhone video player, however you will have to enable them separately. (See the following screenshot)
The reason for this is mainly because iOS does not have a complete fullscreen API; a fullscreen API would allow us to show our UI instead of the native iOS video player. They are starting to roll one out, but in my experience it only works in Safari and only in the latest iOS version.
Also, just FYI, subtitles do not work on AirPlay. This is another restriction of iOS, since they don’t support sideloaded subtitles with AirPlay.
Yay!!! I looooove raccoons (as you know lol), I like the raccoon tee too!
I tried pressing that subtitle button in full screen in Brave Browser, but nothing pops up. Only when I un-fullscreen, do the captions show up. I’ll just try to use the site on a different browser on my phone or just on my computer and let you know how that works
I know for sure that it works on the computer; it’s just iOS that has issues with how it’s set up . I added it to my project list to look into this. There are some other things I can try, but they involve redesigning how videos are delivered, so it’s going to take some effort to figure it out. I think I want to figure this out soon, though , especially with more people encountering this issue. I’ll let you know how it goes
Thank you for sharing the video! I was able to download it fine.
Oh man, those subtitles are all over the place… I think the subtitles didn’t show up at first perhaps because they didn’t load before the video started playing. (Currently, the subtitles are loaded asynchronously, which means it’s possible that the video will start playing before the subtitles finished loading). I’m planning on rewriting the m3u8 data for the videos to include subtitles, which I’m hoping will fix this issue, and also the issues that are specific to the fullscreen Apple video player.
For what it’s worth, the browser engine for Firefox on iPhone is the same as the browser engine for every other browser on iPhone, so they should have the same bugs. Apple doesn’t allow third-party browser engines on their mobile devices, unfortunately. They’re supposed to start allowing it in the EU, but it seems like they’re putting every obstacle they can in the way to prevent actual third-party browser engines on their devices.
Sounds good!! Thats a whole bunch of technical stuff, but luckily i took 2 semesters of python!! so i guess just like language learning and then you stop practicing then you can’t speak but when you hear it you know it and then it’s like, wow, that lang is still somewhere in my brainy bits