Should I watch anime without English subtitles?

So I watched the first episode of Watashi no shiawase kekkon (My Happy Marriage.)

I think I understood about 20% - 40% on what was said.

It was a lot of fun trying to understand words I don’t know through context.

I wasn’t looking up any new words during the viewing.

Should I continue to watch this anime without English subtitles?

Or is it a waste of time.

I find Shirokuma cafe & kids shows boring.

But this show seems pretty omoshiroi.


If you enjoy it, than why not? I mean sure, there may be more effective methods of immersion but the most important thing in my opinion is that you keep going So it’s important to have things you enjoy. A learning-wise not so effective Anime is still going to be more effective than something, where you might understand more but stop watching it after a bit, because it bored you to death.

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